

Overall the process of making a film was interesting. We began with a plan that was abruptly changed constantly throughout the film process. My teams creative nature helped us achieve the end goal of a spectacular film in an efficient amount of time.

As an actor and editor of the film that didn't limit my role on the team. I had my fair share of participating in everyones role which helped bring the ideal film come to life. But when I had my teams back they had mine. The director made sure everything was completed on time whereas the cinematographer helped by recording hard chess scenes and bringing her vibrant ideas. This collaborative effort helped us develop a great film with deep meaning.

Our film was originally going to be about a competition for a job position but that changed into a horror/drama on a woman being killed by her lover. As the chess game goes on the victim keeps making bad moves referencing back to her bad decisions in real life. 

The films theme goes deeper than that due to racial sterotypes purposefully created due to a white female victim and black male killer. 

There are certain things placed within the film such as the metal crate which is seen having hand prints and a heart drawn on it which symbolized love and heardache. 

The barrel in the beginning saying "look at the roof" also held meaning because the roof of the metal crate is where the killer was peaking from. This utterly lets the audience know from the beginning something bad was going to happen.

The black bird in the introduction is shown separating from the others which is also another representation of the killer showing him wanting to be separated from his lover and overall society.

With all of these symbols acquired and used in the film the film was able to create a deep meaning behind it.

My inspiration for the film was fairly randomized through the OJ Simpson case, Scooby-DOO and even jaws.

The OJ Simpson case due to his situation of murdering a white woman and Scooby- Doo because of the way they always reveal the assailants face at the end. Now Jaws was an inspiration due to them hiding their killer and incorporating colors to represent who is going to die. for our script we intended on using the color red to represent death and contrast the other colors in the film. 

Inconclusion, the movie got executed successfully and was a good experience


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