🕵️ 📩

The same day as the creation of the script our team had to find actors that can fill in the roles of the imaginary characters created. But there was sadly limits to the choices we could make. Some of our possible actors had poor grades and overall just wouldn't be able to leave class the days of our planned recording. 
Due to this factor we slimmed our characters down to 4 possible canidates. One of them being me. 
 As the editor of the film I already established in my brain how i wanted the characters to be developed so acting in my own film was a smart decision and overall helped our team in the long run.

Now for the other characters we needed a victim and a chess player. 
We decided these two by having each character perform a run. The run was going to show which actor was the most realistic at acting scared while running.

Out of the three we went with the last two due to them wearing red which was the uniform the characters were supposed to come in and the first runner wasn't in proper attire. The red has a deep meaning within the film basically representing death.

In conclusion, the casting went successful and we were able to start the movie within the same day.


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