Editing: B Roll Saves The Day!

 After editing what supposed to be the end of our film we ended up having over 20 seconds left over before hitting the 2 minute mark. This put us in a crisis where we thought we didn't film enough footage but as editor I had to go back through what we had and find a way to improvise. 

As I began my search, I found many clips we shot that wouldn't fit into the ✨master piece ✨ of a film I created. This left us with only B roll left to select from. So that's what we used. We wanted to create a sense of an empty set due to the characters being seen leaving the scenes trying to catch the main character. So that is what we did. The shots that fit were clips of the couch, the monopoly game, the old door, and even a vibrant wall picture (which was randomly selected because it looked cool).

Wall Picture:

 After doing this and adding a timecode, which follows the one of the alternative themes of time, we were able to get 1 minute and 58 seconds which wasn't good enough for us so we took the next step into brainstorming another creative way to add time. 


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