Script Revision

After recording a solid day of footage, our team didn't become indolent but continued to find ways to better the next day of shooting. One of the main ways to do this was revising the script. Our originally script was very broad and bland so after many discussions, we had agreed that our actors needed to memorize a script so we could get shots quicker on production days. This will inevitably help with our time management during recording. 

In this new script we began to give our characters names and exact roles.Maya is the name of the main character. Aries is the name of her best friend, who is portrayed by our companion Anai'yah. Luna is the character that our friend Mikayla portrays as Maya's sibling. One of our friends, Brendan, will probably portray the father, and Melina will play the mother, Beth. Originally, Mikayla was supposed to play the other mother, making them a lesbian couple, but after some thought, we decided to go with the normal gender assignments that would take place in an 80s sitcom.

New Script:

In the script we state how we want to start with an establishing shot of the house the sitcom is being recorded which was inspired by full house in their Film introduction. 

Example of Full House Introduction:
Revising the script allowed us to learn how a script doesn't only contain what the character says but can include details on what actually occurs in the film and where characters should be placed. Doing this rather than lone words allows the script to be more detailed and useful while recording.

Our Shot Remake:


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