Sound Techniques PT.2
Due to me and my team having a film based on a character being stuck in a 90's sitcom, we had to recreate the same mise en scène by generating similar dialogue, music and the background laughing that is always included. To gain a better feel of this I went out and watched a few episodes of different 80's and 90's sitcoms to be able to mimc their semantic and symbolic codes.
I've observed that the music in these 1980s sitcom introductions is remarkably similar. To set the scene, there is a brief, enticing guitar riff with the protagonists in both scenarios opening with a humorous action that makes the audience laugh.
The sound we plan on using as the catchy guitar riff will most likely be an unsettling orchestra song. My team presented me an audio of an orchestra playing dissonant music in a TikTok. As editor I was able to trim the TikTok and convert the TikTok into a 2 minute mp3 and played it for my team and they were pleased. This was my first time converting a TikTok into an mp3 so doing this showed me short cut websites that do this action within seconds.
we plan on making it start abruptly, and continue to crescendo as it adds the other instrument sections into the song. The beginning of it starts with a screechy violin sound that has an eerie effect.
Putting this in our psychological thriller fits in when the main character realizes everything they believed was deception. The audio expresses the emotions expressed in the main character as he now realizes his spine chilling reality and future demise.
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